6 Tips On Making Your Honda More Fuel Efficient
With gas prices sky high most individuals who drive are interested in ways they can make their Honda more fuel efficient and save as much money as possible. While there are no fuel saving tips that will keep your Honda full of gas without filling up, there are some tips that really can help you save money on fuel over the long run. All of these tips focus on making your Honda more fuel efficient.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #1 Drive When You Crank Up This might seem obvious, but as soon as you crank up your car you should drive off. However, many people crank up and leave the car idling for a while. Instead of this, when you crank up drive off and only keep your car running when it is absolutely necessary.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #2 Don't Ride the Brake Many drivers hit the brakes more often than is necessary. Additionally there are quite a few drivers that slow down for a braking car when they could easily switch lanes. Not riding the brake can increase your fuel efficiency by up to 30%, so this is a great tip you should follow.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #3 Turn Off Your Car If you are going to be stopping for more than 10 minutes you should switch off your car to keep fuel efficiency at its peak and not burn more gas than is necessary.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #4 Don't Turn Off Your Car If you are only stopping for a brief moment or less than 5 minutes then don't turn off your car because the amount of gas used to crank up is more than you would burn in that short period of time.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #5 Inflate Tires Properly Too many drivers never think of their tires, unless one goes flat. However, having tires that are properly inflated can save fuel and make your car more fuel efficient, saving you money. Because of this, you should check your tire pressure on a regular basis.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #6 Remove Excess Weight Take unnecessary bulky items out of the car. Your car is not a delivery truck. Additional weight in your vehicle will require the engine to work harder to transport the weight.
While gas prices don't seem like they will be dipping considerably in the next few months every tip to help you make your car more fuel efficient is helpful. So, follow the above fuel tips and you will see that over time your car really is more fuel efficient.